Category: Podcasts

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Episode #99 – A Smile and a Handshake

This episode we start by catching up since it’s been so long, and Ends shares with us his experience having the coronavirus. He then shares with us that he’s working on a new album, and then we spend some time chatting about the election. Keezie then shares how he got his PS5, we chat about games for a min, and...

Episode #98 – How Do You Like Them Apples?

We start this episode by catching up for a minute, discussing the state of the union and our shared disdain for our President. We move on to discuss the new Joyner Lucas/Ashanti song Fall Slowly and also share our thoughts on WAP. We spend a good chunk of time chatting about Cal Scruby’s new album, While You Were Sleeping, before...

Episode #97 – Couldn’t Get It In – ft. Scott

This episode we are finally joined by long time friend of the show, Scott! We begin the episode by catching up, discussing the coronavirus and Kanye a bit before diving into our main topic – The Last of Us 2. We spoil the fuck out of this game, so if you haven’t completed it yet, skip to the 58 minute...

Episode #96 – A Casualty of War – ft. King Dice

This episode we are joined by King Dice! He is a rapper/producer/mentor and we brought him in to help us navigate the treacherous waters of today’s climate, regarding the protests, cops, and #BLM. We spend a good chunk of the show discussing these issues, and Dice offers us his perspective as a black man in America. After we chop it...

Episode #95 – A Weird time

This episode starts with some catching up, Keezie tells Ends about his new hobby – playing ukulele, Ends tells us all about Tekashi 69’s new video, and we dive into some video game talk. We discuss our thoughts on the PS5, PUBG, and Assassin’s Creed, and Keez talks a little about LEGO Harry Potter. Keeping things tight, we dive right...

Episode #94 – Coronaclash

Welcome back! This episode we are back with a new setup and doing the pod remotely. We begin by catching up and discussing the pandemic for a bit, before moving on to review all the games, music, movies and shows we’ve been watching. We get the inside scoop on Ends’ new EP titled XXIII, available now on all streaming platforms....

S03E31 – Naked Chandler is a Creep

This episode begins with Keezie giving a rundown of his Valentine’s day trip to White Castle, and Ends refusing to tell us anything about the cheeks he’s been clapping. We immediately move on to video games, getting Ends’s reviews of Pokemon Shield, Untitled Goose Game, and Cuphead. We briefly discuss music, including Onyx, Bobby Krea, and G-Mo, and then Keezie...

S03E30 – A Relic from the 90’s

This episode begins with Ends giving us his review of Pokemon Shield, before giving us his thoughts on the new Lil Wayne album Funeral. Keezie briefly shares his thoughts on Esham and chick rap, before telling Ends all about the new Tom MacDonald and Madchild songs. This brings about a discussion about “redneck rap” and how to do it properly...

S03E29 – I Really Like Da Baby

We begin this episode by recapping our weeks, and diving into our review of season 2 of Netflix’s You. Keezie reviews Parasite, Ends reviews the Aaron Hernandez doc, and then we share our thoughts on Kobe’s untimely demise. On Kobe, we share some unpopular opinions, discuss this anchorwoman dropping what sounds like an n-bomb during her report, and Keez talks...

S03E28 – Slippin and Slidin

We begin this episode by catching up a bit and shitting on social networks. Ends tells us about his satin sheets and Don’t Fuck with Cats, and Keezie gives a high recommendation to The Witcher. We discuss some more shows including The Mandalorian and You, and move on to games. We both share our final thoughts on Jedi: Fallen Order,...